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Welcome to Allergy Guru!

Empowering parents of kids with food allergies.

Thanks for stopping by 😊! If you're here, it might be because you suspect–or have recently learned—that your child has a food allergy. We know what it is like to wonder if your child will be able to live a healthy, normal life. We are well-acquainted with the constant fear that your child will accidentally ingest a life-threatening allergen.

Learning to live with food allergies is a team effort: the child, parents, siblings, and family friends must work together, and you are the team's quarterback. If this sounds daunting, have no fear, Allergy Guru is here!

This site was created to try and ease the learning curve by providing you with trusted resources.

Ingredient Search

Use the search bar above to learn about a product's ingredients. Our partner Edamam hosts a database of over 700,000 food items and their nutritional makeup.

Check Out Our Blog!

Head over to our blog to read about our experience raising children with food allergies and to find resources to help you get started in your journey.